
Join our Affiliate Scheme

The Worldwide Travel Insurance affiliate programme lets you earn money on insurance purchased through a link to our site. It's easy to sign up and you can start earning commission straight away!

There are three options:

Basic weblink

The easiest way to join.
We supply a personalised link, descriptive text, plus a choice of images.

Tailored Service

If you are a travel provider, you may want the insurance to specifically cover the holiday your customers book through you.
We can set up weblinks, plus provide in-house support to your customers.

A Trading Account

Please contact us if you are interested in setting up insurance on behalf of your customers or employees.

How does it work?

WEB-LINK: You can link to our website and receive commission on all sales completed using the link. The commission also applies to purchases made by your employees, provided they use the link. Ideally, this link should be used with one of the above buttons or banners.
If you would like a button with alternative dimensions, we may be able to help.

APPLICATION FORMS: If you regularly send literature to your clients you may want to include application forms.
You will then receive commission for all orders posted to our office by your customers.

What service can your customers expect to receive?
Web policies are emailed immediately at the end of the sale so are particularly convenient for last minute sales.

How soon can you join the scheme?
Simply complete the Application form and email it to our Affiliate team.
If your application is accepted, we will forward your personalised web-link and you are ready to proceed.