
Information regarding Pandemics

The Coronavirus Pandemic has had a massive impact on travel in the last few years and it is understandable to feel some apprehension when considering new trips, whether at home or overseas. You may be experiencing uncertainty when booking your next trip; worries about whether you will lose your money if your booking is cancelled; concern that travel may increase the risk of contracting a virus such as Covid-19.

Measures such as global vaccination programmes have enabled most countries to return to relatively normal regulations for tourists and you may not be required to provide evidence of vaccination or negative covid tests.
However, some trips will still be subject to requirements. For example, many Cruise providers require passengers to provide evidence that they do not carry the virus, and in addition to show that they hold adequate insurance in the event that they test positive during the trip.

To check the cover available on our policies, please refer to the specific policy wording and IPID for the insurance you are purchasing

Most of our travel insurance policies will provide some cover in the event that you need to cancel your trip due to unexpectedly testing positive for a virus, such as Covid-19. Some (not all) of our policies require that you have been vaccinated, so if you are concerned that this might affect you please contact our office.

In general, contracting a virus such as Covid-19 is only likely to impact insurance policies that include cover for Cancellation or Medical Expenses. If you have purchased another type of policy and are no longer able to use it due to illness affecting your plans, please email us at sales@worldwideinsure.com for advice.