20 Tips To Break The Boredom On A Long Haul Flight

At this time of year, holidaymakers are resigned to taking a long haul flight in search of sun. We share some top tips on how to survive the monotony of a long haul flight.

Image by ty_yang CC0

  1. Listen to an audio book.
  2. Read a magazine.
  3. Watch a movie (or two or three, or four).
  4. Chat to your fellow passengers.
  5. Talk with the cabin crew.
  6. Listen to a new album.
  7. Read a newspaper
  8. Go to sleep.
  9. Listen to a podcast.
  10. Draw a picture.
  11. Start a new book.
  12. Do a crossword.
  13. Play some Sudoku.
  14. Eat your food slowly.
  15. Treat yourself to regular snacks.
  16. Start a new game on your smartphone or hand held console.
  17. Practice speaking the local lingo.
  18. Play a solo card game.
  19. Get up and stretch your legs in between every activity.
  20. Take up knitting – do check luggage restrictions before hand.

Bonus Mega Tip: Divide your flight into chunks of time, and have an activity for each slot. It’s easier to find 15 activities to fill 15 segments of travel time than decide what to do for 20 hours!


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