Dream Destinations Where You Can (probably) Escape Christmas

If you are looking for an alternative Christmas getaway without a hint of festive jumpers, tinsel and chart-topping Christmas hits, you could try these tantalising destinations.


Image by MamMam CC0

This is one of the few destinations where the commercial chaos that surrounds Christmas just doesn’t feature, unless you are in one of the big cities. This is partly because Laos doesn’t have a large Christian community, but also because it is still a relatively “untouristy” place and hasn’t taken on western traditions to please throngs of holiday-makers. As such, the big day passes by just like any other day here.


Image by makunin CC0

Unless you check into a hotel that is catering for holiday-makers who want to celebrate Christmas in the sun, Morocco is a great place to avoid the festivities due to it being a Muslim country.  While the tinsel and turkey won’t feature, do be mindful that shopping might, as tourists flock to the souks in search of something different to take home and gift at Christmas.


Image by 12019 CC0

This is one destination where you can guarantee yourself a white Christmas – in the form of sand instead of snow. And while there may be a splattering of festive decoration in some resorts, it is nothing more than an acknowledgement of the time of year and is not a precursor to a day of festivities. There is the added benefit that the more secluded your tropical oasis the easier it is to forget it is Christmas altogether.


Image by shelma25

This is one for those who want to get away from Christmas without getting away from winter, just make sure you don’t stay long past the 25th! The catch here is that Russia does in fact celebrate Christmas, but on the 07thof January – which means there is a chance that festive lights and the like will be on display, but the day itself will just about pass by with out the usual festive fuss.

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